
3 home care market insights from Care Show 2022

This year’s Care Show in Birmingham offered many insights into the future of home care and home care solutions with more exhibitors than ever before – including Develco Products showcasing its IoT devices suitable for home care providers.

As the healthcare industry is being more and more challenged by a shortage of care professionals, the need for smart solutions is becoming more and more pressing, which was also a topic at the exhibition.

Here are three key market insights from the Care Show 2022:

  • Detecting falls using smart technology
  • The digital switchover in the UK and the effects on home care
  • Ensuring engagement from all parties involved when implementing new tech

Detecting falls using smart technology

If an older adult is living alone and falling, the consequences can be severe. Even without suffering direct injury from the fall, if a person remains on the floor for over an hour, there is a 50 % risk that they will pass away within the following six months.

Numerous technological methods for detecting falls have been developed, however, all with certain limitations.

Emergency buttons and cords that are mounted on the wall are only useful when they are within reach, wearable solutions such as pendants and watches are not being worn, either due to forgetfulness or embarrassment, and video cameras and acoustic monitoring systems are often perceived as an intrusion of the privacy of the person being monitored.

Due to these inherent limitations, a rising number of home care system providers are turning to passive, touchless monitoring enabled by 4D imaging radar. By leveraging the radar technology, caregivers can get crucial input while a passive radar offers the privacy that care users demand.

Develco Products has recently integrated the 4D imaging radar Vayyar Care with its Squid.link gateways, making it possible for home care solution providers to include this leading-edge fall detection technology in their care offerings. The integration of Vayyar Care also saves providers from having to invest in a lengthy integration process.

Are you interested in including radar-based fall detection in your home care solution? Contact us for more information.

The digital switchover in the UK and the effects on home care

The fast-approaching digital switchover from the old, outdated analog phone system to the new digital systems will have significant implications for home care solutions.

The switch means that companies delivering technology-enabled care services will need to upgrade their analog telecare devices as digital services become standard.

With the change, which is expected to be implemented in 2025, there has never been a better time to maximize on the opportunity that this brings and transfer to digital services by upgrading to a new and flexible wireless solution.

It is important for home care solution providers to act now and start planning the future. By upgrading to a wireless solution, providers can leverage the intelligence of smart IoT devices to deliver more effective home care and help relieve some pressure from the caregivers.

Do you want to leverage the power of smart IoT devices in your home care solution? Read why IoT is the future of home care and how Develco Products can help you.

Ensuring engagement from all parties involved when implementing new tech

Implementing new technology and changes in general can always be a challenge. Change always relies on people and implementing changes without the engagement of all the parties involved can seem impossible.

In the change of old, incumbent technology to newer, next-generation technology, a detailed explanation to all involved parties of why the changes are being made is paramount to effective adaptation.

Some parties involved in the process might be fearing the change for different reasons, such as the risk of losing their job or privacy concerns. In this case, it is important to address the fear in people and simply explain why and how the changes are being carried out.

Introducing new technologies such as intelligent IoT devices can create more effective home care and help caregivers as well as care users, and it is important to reassure concerned parties that the change will create more efficiency and enable more in-person care with users and not less.

Find out how IoT technology can make home care more efficient and better for all.

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