
Conclusions on EU meeting about interoperability and Internet of Energy

Karsten Ries, Develco Products

In May, the European Commission held a meeting on how IoT can contribute to the energy transition and how interoperability of communication and data exchange can ensure that Europe benefits from the new opportunities that IoT creates in the energy sector. The meeting consisted of three different panel discussions, where CEO at Develco Products, Karsten Reis, participated in one of them.

This panel discussion dealt with how interoperability is needed to develop the smart IoT solutions of tomorrow. The panel addressed that open standards are required to effectively deliver to the market. There was however different opinions on clouds vs. edge computers among the participants in the panel discussion. Another issue that was addressed was the use of gateways. All agreed that they provide a sedan level of security, but some of the participants felt that there is a challenge when it comes to access and openness. It were concluded that it is necessary to further address these issues.

Overall conclusions

At the end of the meeting, 3 important drivers were enhanced when it comes to energy policy:

  1. Efficiency
  2. Security
  3. Moving towards network systems

It was emphasized that there is a need for the industry to work together on these things, if the energy transition is going to be successful.

The other panel discussions revolved around better promotion of interoperability of smart homes/smart grids and disruptive innovations. It was pointed out that disruptive innovations still are a work in progress, and that there is not a clear picture of where this is going to end.
There are lots of opportunities, which are needed to ensure that the energy transition is as efficient as possible.

You can read more about the meeting here

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