
Develco Products participates in Health Innovation Aarhus project promoting care innovation

The global health and home care industry is facing enormous challenges due to changing demographics with a growing elderly population and a lack of personnel.

To face those challenges, innovation and digitalization of the care industry are needed that can improve workflows, monitor patients, and enable care workers to provide better care for those in need.

Develco Products is happy to announce that we have joined Health Innovation Aarhus which aims to promote sustainable health innovation in central Denmark. The partnership between universities, healthcare institutions, municipalities, and companies from the central Denmark region provides a framework and ecosystem for innovation and networking within the digital health industry.

Together with the other participants of Health Innovation Aarhus, Develco Products is working to innovate the care industry both in central Denmark and beyond. Namely, we are constantly developing new IoT devices that can be used in homes, care facilities, and hospitals to increase the security of seniors living alone and non-intrusively monitor patients to make sure they get the best care possible.

Get to know more about how IoT technology can innovate the care industry.

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