
Easily integrate 3rd party products into your care solution

Wireless technologies can be found in many aspects of our lives, including medical devices such as activity trackers, blood pressure meters, glucose monitors, fall detectors, and more.

By integrating these devices into your technology-enabled care solution, you can provide continuous health monitoring and collect valuable data that can improve decision-making.

Based on this data, you can help enable residents to live at home longer and safer, discover early signs of diseases, reduce the workload of care professionals, and give peace of mind to family and friends.

Choose an open platform

Many medical devices communicate via standard communication protocols such as Zigbee or Bluetooth. By choosing a gateway that can support these protocols, you are able to easily integrate the devices into your solution.

The white label Squid.link gateways from Develco Products offer a flexible platform that can be the foundation of your care solution.

The gateways can communicate via Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Wireless M-Bus, offering you many possibilities for device integration. You can also add a custom protocol to the gateway to include even more devices.

Expand the functionality of your solution with health-monitoring devices

Medical IoT devices offer many possibilities to get insights into a person’s health.

We have already prepared templates for a variety of 3rd party devices from brands like Vayyar Care, Omron, and Transtek with the Squid.link gateways and are planning to integrate a range of devices from Beurer.

Available and future products include:

Fall detection: Radar-based fall detectors offer instant fall alerts, providing quick help for residents and reducing severe consequences of falls.

Blood pressure and pulse monitors: These devices provide fast and reliable blood pressure and heart rate readings and allow the patient to carry out these examinations from home.

Glucose monitors: Smart glucose monitors offer continuous tracking of glucose levels and, in contrast to periodic testing, can give alerts as soon as a person’s blood glucose reaches problematic levels.

Pulse Oximeters: Automatically collect readings of blood oxygen saturation.

Diagnostic sales: Enable measurements of body weight, body fat, body water, muscle tissue, and more.

Additionally, you can integrate many other 3rd party products into your solution.

Are you interested in including 3rd party products in your solution? Contact us to learn more about the possibilities.

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