
Give earth an hour of your time

Join Earth Hour 2018

Last year, people from hundreds of cities across the globe turned off their lights for one hour during Earth Hour. The biggest environmental act in the world. This upcoming Saturday, we once again switch off our lights, in order for the severity of climate change to shine brighter.

Since 2008, Earth Hour has been a global growing event, involving people from more than 187 countries. The worldwide event, created by WWF, is showing a broader international commitment towards a better climate than ever before. Join us this upcoming weekend, Saturday, March 24, as people, cities, corporations, and districts once again turn off their lights to raise awareness and to show their stance on the seriousness surrounding global climate change.

Green solutions and intelligent energy management are two of the most efficient ways to reduce energy consumption, and hereby lower C02 emissions. At Develco Products, we strongly believe in the importance of green solutions and its impact on both the user and the climate.

For businesses to successfully optimize their energy consumption and lower C02 emissions, the need for a simple and effective monitoring solution is high. At Develco Products, we have developed integrable, intelligent energy management systems and several wireless products, which serve to reduce operational costs and lower the consumption of energy.

Smart Energy Solutions do not only benefit the future of the climate, but it also contributes to a positive effect on the bottom line, making smart sustainable practices ideal for almost any company.

We are dedicated to continuously develop and produce products within the field of energy, in order to assist companies in benefiting from smart energy solutions. This is why we are supporting Earth Hour 2018.

Do you want to take part in Earth Hour 2018?

To connect to earth – switch off your lights March 24 at 20:30 your local time, and use #Connect2Earth on social media to connect with others.

Need to learn more?

If you want to learn more about Earth hour and climate change in general - we recommend you to visit Earth Hour's official homepage. Alternatively, you can take a closer look at the official Earth Hour Facebook page and get the latest news.

You can also get more information and inspiration on what you can do to celebrate and help during this event by looking at Earth Hour’s different toolkits developed for corporations, schools and communities and more.

About Earth Hour

Earth Hour is the world’s largest climate event and is a symbolical act where people from across the world show they are caring for the future of the environment. By turning off the lights, people unite and show the world a shared perspective on the seriousness of the severe climate changes and the challenges ahead.

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