HESTIA research project will transform the way we use energy
Develco Products is participating in the EU research project HESTIA (Holistic dEmand response Services for European residenTIAl communities). Over the next 3 years, the project aims to encourage consumers to change the way they use energy in order to make it more efficient, flexible, and beneficial both regarding costs and environmental pollution.
Platform for more efficient energy usage
With help of white label devices provided by Develco Products, the HESTIA project has already implemented pilot projects in residential areas and plans to launch a technology platform for a more efficient energy usage that will be available to the entire population within the next 3 years.
The system will enable providers, institutions, organizations, neighborhoods and more to adjust and optimize their services in alignment with demand response criteria. This will improve the balance within the local network and save energy, which leads to cost savings (with a 20–50% reduction of the final bill) and supports the sustainability of natural resources and the protection of the environment.
Learn more about HESTIA in the project’s press release.
Thoroughly tested white label devices available for solution providers
The participation in research projects like HESTIA enables Develco Products to thoroughly test the Zigbee products in a real-life context. The white label devices are available for solution providers who want to launch an energy management, security, home care, or insurtech solution based on IoT devices.