Home care: Why we urgently need to implement tomorrow’s technology today
Worldwide changes in demography are causing an increase in the senior population and in patients with special care needs. According to The World Health Organization’s (WHO) ‘Global health and aging’ report, the number of people aged 65 and above is projected to roughly triple, from 524 million in 2010 to almost 1,5 billion in 2050. This will have considerable socioeconomic consequences for societies around the world.
In 2050, the average age is predicted to increase from 39 to 49 years, as persons aged 65 and above will make up almost 17% of the global population. Combined with a projected global decline in the working-age population, this means that in the coming years a lot fewer people will have to support an elderly population that is more than twice the size of today’s.
Adverse consequences
Unfortunately, these changes in demography present an overwhelming challenge to the global health and home care industries. Diseases, such as dementia, that are connected to old age will further increase the burden on global health and home care systems as the average age increases. The WHO report states that: “The risk of dementia increases sharply with age and, unless new strategies for prevention and management are developed, this syndrome is expected to place growing demands on health and long-term care providers as the world’s population ages”.
IoT: the future of home care
As a whole, the home care industry has traditionally been characterized by manual processes and close monitoring of patients. However, in order to counter the aging population, the home care industry must become as efficient as possible, while still maintaining a high quality of care. Fortunately, the Internet of Things and independent living technology show great potential as aids in overcoming these challenges. This is because effective health and home care greatly depends upon speed and accuracy – which are some of the main strengths of IoT technology.
To realize the full potential of IoT technology, systems must employ stable state-of-the-art IoT devices. Develco Products offers high-quality devices well suited for any healthcare solution.
Learn more about how IoT technology can help the tremendous challenges facing the home care industry, here.