
How the IoT is improving fire safety in multi-dwelling units

When a fire starts in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), it can quickly have fatal consequences. By installing IoT-connected smoke detectors in MDUs, the building managers, as well as the tenants, are warned instantly in case of a fire – even if they are not present in the building.

Smart smoke detectors do not only emit a warning using a loud sound when they detect smoke, but they also warn people via remote notifications. This way, the building managers, who might not be present in the building when the smoke is detected, will also get notified immediately. The remote warning enables a quick reaction to reduce the fire damage.

Check out this catalogue for more inspiration on IoT-enabled MDU services

Extended protection with interconnected smoke detectors

The IoT makes it possible to interconnect multiple smoke detectors in a building. By interconnecting smoke detectors in an MDU, all detectors activate when one is activated. With an interconnected smoke detector located in each rental area, all tenants are warned if there’s a fire in the MDU.

Optimize smoke detector battery testing

Smoke detector battery testing is an important but also time-consuming task of building managers. Instead of having to go physically to each smoke detector to test the batteries, building managers can check the battery status of all detectors remotely when having installed IoT-connected smoke detectors. This way, the required number of man-hours needed for battery testing is reduced tremendously.

The IoT devices for your fire detection system

The Intelligent Smoke Alarm offered by Develco Products will make sure that your customers do not have to worry about fires in their buildings. The Intelligent Smoke Alarm provides instant smoke detection and remote warning via an internet-connected gateway.

The Zigbee-based device allows interconnectivity with other Intelligent Smoke Alarms and can be connected to Develco Products’ Squid.link Gateways as well as other Zigbee gateways.

Get to know the Intelligent Smoke Alarm

With the Squid.link gateways as the heart of your IoT-enabled MDU services, such as fire detection, you are offered a high level of flexibility. Since the gateways are capable of communicating with IoT devices across wireless technologies, you can integrate the products that you need in your system.

The mature gateways have been tested and validated by large volumes of end-users. They live up to strict security standards to make sure that the data of your customers stay private. Since the gateways are white label products, you can make them fit the visual identity of your company seamlessly.

Explore the possibilities of the Squid.link gateways

Download catalogue

The IoT opens a world of opportunities in relation to improving the management of multi-dwelling, including fire detection.

Fill out the form and get a catalogue with further inspiration on IoT-enabled services that make building management more efficient in an MDU context.

We hope that the listed services will inspire you on how to add value to your business and create new revenue streams by providing MDUs with IoT-enabled services.

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