
INCOM opens new doors to secure IoT data storage

With the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 accelerating, internet traffic will increase tremendously and continually in the years to come. The results are immense amounts of energy consumed by the internet and the risk of running out of space in the communication infrastructure.

In the recently finished research project INCOM, Develco Products has been among key players of the industry and academia who have responded to these challenges. As part of the project, Develco Products has been involved in advancing IoT technology and enhancing IoT security.

The objective of the INCOM project has been to develop components and subsystems for the next-generation communications infrastructure, enabling IoT, Industry 4.0, and 5G. Develco Products has been involved in developing new ways to preserve security and privacy in IoT data collection and storage.

Demonstrating new approach to storing IoT data and preserving privacy

In terms of IoT security, the INCOM project has resulted in new strategies for IoT data storage being demonstrated.

Chocolate Cloud, one of the project partners, has built a proof of concept demo focused on how to store data from Develco Products’ sensors in a distributed manner. In the demo, the data from the sensors is encoded into bundles and uploaded as coded fragments to multiple GDPR-compliant cloud storage locations and providers enabled by Chocolate Cloud’s backend (See www.skyflok.com for details). The locations and storage providers are selected by the users, giving them full control of their data.

With this approach to IoT data storage, it is possible to preserve the privacy of the sensor data by avoiding using a single cloud provider. Moreover, the specific methods used by Chocolate Cloud allow for efficient search and queries without compromising the privacy and security of this sensor data.

Get further information about the INCOM project here.

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