
Introducing a new support forum

With more than a decade of experience in the IoT industry, we know that building an IoT solution requires the right tools and information. To make it as easy as possible for our customers to work with us, the products, and the wireless platform, we are now launching a new version of Develco Products’ Support forum at:


Develco Products Support forum

Easy access to relevant material 24/7

With the new Support forum, information and tools relevant to our customers are always accessible. The structure of the new Support forum makes it easy to navigate and find the material needed for each product that the specific customer has acquired. In other words, the answers to a lot of our customers’ technical questions are only a few clicks away.

Access to development tools, including an SDK and APIs, which will ease the development process tremendously, is granted via the Support forum together with access to instruction videos and the latest firmware updates for the products. With the possibility to implement the updates over-the-air, our customers can provide the end-users with future-proof solutions.

In the new Support forum, our customers can also download online documentation with technical information about their products. In addition, templates to use for customizing the packaging, installation manuals, and labels of the white label products can also be accessed through the Support forum, providing our customers with a shortcut to a complete IoT solution with their own brand.

The transition to the new Support forum

To make the transition to the new Support forum as smooth as possible, we will get in contact with all existing Support forum users and provide them with their login for the new Support forum. We hope that the new Support forum will be useful and ease the development process for our existing and future customers.

Explore how to get started with your own IoT solution - and gain access to the new Support forum.

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