Rising security concerns worldwide will lead to massive growth in sensor market
A rise in security concerns and the growth of the working population across the globe will increase demand for home security systems according to a market report from AMA Researchhighlights. The identified market trend will lead to a massive growth of a particular sensor by 2026; the window sensor. Develco Products is recognized as a major player who offers system providers this type of sensor.
Increase home security with window sensors
With window sensors integrated into a home security system, users can monitor the opening and closing of windows and doors anywhere at any time. They can get real-time notifications if unwanted activities in their home trigger an alarm. The sensor can keep an eye on potential entry points of burglars and provides users peace of mind while at home and away.
Gain more insights into the possibilities of smart home security.
Major player in window sensor market
Develco Products is among the listed major players in the window sensor market. Our Zigbee Entry Sensor is easily integrated into a smart system, and, by being an IAS zone device, the sensor is ideal for home security solutions. The sensor triggers a signal when parted from the magnet, making it possible to alert the user, e.g. via a smartphone. With its long battery life, the amount of maintenance required is limited. For increased home security, an optional tamper switch makes it possible to warn the users if someone tries to remove the sensor. As an additional feature, the Entry Sensor includes a temperature sensor.