
Offer insurance customers a complete and tailored intelligent home protection solution to lower costly payouts, boost customer loyalty, and stand out from competitors.


Offer insurance customers a complete and tailored intelligent home protection solution to lower costly payouts, boost customer loyalty, and stand out from competitors.

Smart technology is changing the game for insurance

Damages to insurance customers' homes and belongings are not just costly to you as an insurer. They are also devastating to your customers. That is why more and more people are seeking risk-preventing solutions with smart technology that can help them gain control of risks and protect their homes.

Smart technology insurance

Damages and loss caused by water leaks make up more than 25 % of all home insurance claims.

Smart technology insurance

There are more than 270,000 home fires every year in the EU, with close to half starting in the kitchen.

Smart technology insurance using smart burglar sensors

Home burglaries occur every 90 seconds across Europe.

The new proactive role of insurers

Helping policyholders prevent damages is the future of insurance and innovative insurers are already taking advantage of intelligent sensor technology integrated into digital solutions that can alert homeowners of potential damages before they turn into expensive insurance claims.

Up to 50% of insurance claims are avoidable, making the case for prevention undeniable and the potential of smart technology in insurance enormous.

The shortcut to a complete end-to-end smart insurance solution

Today's insurance customers want more from their insurers than just damage reimbursement – they want a proactive solution provider helping them prevent damages.

Give customers control and peace of mind with a proactive home protection solution that can include:

  • Smart sensors and alarms that alerts users of potential issues wherever they are
  • Customizable user app for alerts and overview
  • Connection to local alarm receiving central
  • Integrated in-app claims process for a seamless customer experience

Book a meeting with our insurtech expert and learn how we can help you succeed with a smart insurance solution.

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Benefits of a smart insurance solution

Increase customer loyalty and prevent churn

Become an proactive solution provider in your customers' lives and drive customer satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

Stand out from your competition

Consumers find it difficult to distinguish between insurers and their offerings. Stand out by offering unique risk-preventing value.

Make your services more attractive

Help customers protect their homes with a digital solution that lets them stay in control and have peace of mind – wherever they are.

Lower your insurance payouts

Enable your customers to detect risk early on to help prevent costly damages and reduce your insurance payouts.

Smart technology insurance solution for homeowners

Offer proactive house protection with smart devices, customized app, and connected alarm central

The top insurance services desired by customers include getting digital alerts of damages, unusual activity, and threats to their home.

By partnering with us for your smart insurance solution, you can provide insurance customers with these home protection services in a full end-to-end solution tailored to your needs.

Our technology platform lets you offer state-of-the-art digital services with field-tested hardware, a customizable app, and a world-leading platform for further expansion of your digital offerings.

Discover how easy it is

Minimize damages and costly insurance payouts with smart detection of water, fire, burglary, and more

Fire and water damages are the two most cost-driving damages for non-life insurers.

By offering your customers intelligent fire and water leak detection services with their insurance, you can reduce your most costly insurance payouts while your customers prevent damages to their homes – a true win-win.

Our flexible platform lets you add a wide variety of additional risk-preventing smart devices such as burglary detection, humidity level control, and much more.

Explore the smart devices

Add the services you need and expand your solution step-by-step
– minimizing operational risk and maximizing value

Start out with a trusted DIY home protection package

Extend your offering with an integrated alarm central

Extend your offering with an integrated claims process

... and integrate 3rd party damage services

Want to launch a smart insurance solution? Let us discuss your project.

Guide to best insurtech solution using IoT

Guide: Why smart technology is the future of insurance and how to capitalize on it

Insurance customers are increasingly requesting tools to help them prevent damages to their homes and belongings.

And the same time, they want better digital experiences from their insurers.

Insurance solutions based on smart technology can fill in these gaps and in the right setup provide large benefits for both insurers and their customers.

This guide helps you navigate the possibilities of smart technology in insurance offerings, understand what today's insurance customers are looking for, and how to best integrate smart technology into your insurance business.

Download guide


If and Viking Guard: Providing the Nordic's leading non-life insurer with a market-ready, customized fire and water alarm system

The insurance company If wanted to offer their customers fire and water alarm packages that could reduce insurance payouts and create value add to retain customers and attract new.

If Insurance smart insurance insurtech IoT solution
Key factors included security, user-friendliness, and potential for future services and data insights. This solution now forms the foundation of the Viking Guard initiative, led by If and Viking Assistance Group.
Anders Skalmerud Sørbo, VP Head of Partnerships & New Business Opportunities at If Insurance

Your trusted partner in smart insurance

World-leading IoT platform

Take advantage of our best-of-breed product platform, and benefit from the 100+ man-years we have spent on software development.

Short time to market

Get your solution on the market fast with a white label solution – no need to spend years on development, testing, and certification.

Low risk with mature, tested technology

Minimize risk with mature technology, tested and validated in large volumes (+3.500.000) to ensure a reliable and secure solution.

Easy and quick scalability

Quickly and easily scale your solution from tens to millions with a mature IoT platform, cloud, and software.

Decades of experience with IoT technology

We have helped many businesses leverage the benefits of IoT and innovate in a range of industries.

Dedicated partnership and expert support

Get a dedicated solution partner all the way so you can focus on your core competencies.

Simon Riem, Head of Sales DACH, Responsible for Security & Insurance
Simon Riem
Responsible for Security & Insurance

Do you want to get started with your own smart insurance solution? Get in touch.

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