
For more than 15 years, we have helped companies entering the world of Internet of Things, providing them with customized wireless solutions. Below, you can read about our customers' projects and hear what they say about us.


For more than 15 years, we have helped companies entering the world of Internet of Things, providing them with customized wireless solutions. Below, you can read about our customers' projects and hear what they say about us.

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What do our customers say?

Over the last 3 years, the partnership with Develco Products has been extremely fruitful. We learned a lot from this cooperation, and the result is a solution that is unique. It has the best design, is the simplest and the most secure.
Mathieu Vadafar, Co-founder / Executive at Nearsens
We wanted to offer a solution which is not only build for today’s known requirements, but which will highly likely also support tomorrows use cases. Based on Develco Products’ gateway, we have built an out of the box platform, perfectly suited to the demand of housing companies.
Dr. Sebastian Gross, Development B2B at Vodafone
The project results confirm what we believed to be the case. That P&C insurers are well-positioned to take advantage of IoT and smart home technology. Having devices that can predict potential problems before they cause damage or result in theft means that we could stop problems before they lead to claims.
Dušan Skoták, Kooperativa pojištovna, Vienna Insurance Group a.s., Project Manager
Develco Products' Zigbee-based products are non-intrusive, sophisticated offerings that give solution providers straightforward tools to help consumers live smarter, safer and be more energy efficient.
Mark Walters, VP of Strategic development, Connectivity Standards Alliance
With strong partners like Develco Products, we bring solutions for the care sector to the market that are reliable and trustworthy.
Peer Bentzen, CEO at Nemlia
With Develco Products’ Gateway, we have found an off-the-shelf gateway that has the perfect fit technical wise as well as from a business point of view.
Supply Chain Manager ECS business at Philips