Wireless communication
Proprietary or open protocols?
Wireless devices can speak many different types of languages, often referred to as ’protocols’. The protocol used is determined by the manufacturer of the device.
Proprietary protocols are privately owned and are often not available for devices from other vendors. Other standards are open, meaning they are freely available for other manufacturers to integrate into their own products.
Stay flexible with an open protocol
Zigbee is an example of an open standard. It is developed by the Connectivity Standards Alliance that works to ensure interoperability between IoT devices.
For IoT users, open standard means higher compatibility and more freedom to customize systems to suit individual requirements. Via a Zigbee-based IoT gateway, Zigbee devices are easily integrated into systems across the IoT industry.
The Z-Wave protocol is a simple, interoperable, wireless, RF-based communications technology designed particularly for control, monitoring, and status reading applications in residential and light commercial environments.
Our Squid.link gateways are also available with WLAN, Wireless M-Bus, and Bluetooth Low Energy.
Choosing the right protocol for your purpose
Today, a standard household is often already equipped with multiple wireless communication protocols. The computer might be communicating through a WLAN signal, and the smartphone is running Bluetooth.
A home care, security, or energy system is no different. It is all about equipping buildings with multiple devices, which communicate to a central IoT gateway that forwards the information to a user interface on computers, smartphones, etc. This allows people to manage and control devices wirelessly.
It is important that your IoT system communicates efficiently and continuously. Therefore, you must choose the wireless protocol that suits exactly your purpose.
Learn more about our IoT gateway's wireless protocols in the software architecture or contact us to discuss your project.
Wireless devices for your intelligent solution
We supply solution providers in various industries with a range of wireless IoT products to help their users monitor and control homes and buildings. Therefore, our products have to perform the best in terms of reliability, functionality, and security.
Design freedom
With the Squid.link IoT gateways as the heart of your IoT-based solution, you are not restricted to a single wireless protocol. This way, you get the ultimate flexibility and freedom to design exactly the solution you want to offer your customer.
Low-maintenance system
A low-maintenance system is important in ensuring your customers a hassle-free experience. We achieve this by designing our products to communicate in low-bandwidth data rates. This ensures that the wireless network runs optimally at all times.
Our Zigbee products support mesh-networking, which means that each device installed adds another wireless communication path in the IoT network. This eliminates the risk of system signal failure.
Cellular networks
The Squid.link gateways supports a variety of cellular networks. Before choosing a technology, you must carefully consider what your needs are. Your choice of WAN (Wide Area Network) should be shaped by your use case and business requirements.